FeedPress API

Since FeedPress’ wee early years, it’s had a fairly robust and easy to use POST or GET method API, with answers formatted in JSON (YAY). This has given developers access to many parts of the web app. As we’ve been working on things, I realized we’ve never talked about it much on this blog, so this serves as an official announcement as well as update on the latest additions to the FeedPress API (up to July 2018).

I’m pleased to announce today that we’ve added numerous methods that bring the API closer to parity with the web app. Some of the most requested features you’ve asked of us are methods to access our podcast hosting service, such as uploading and deleting media files (MP3s).

Our most recent addition this summer is adding access to Custom Hostnames. For the uninitiated, Custom Hostnames allow you to fully whitelabel your RSS feeds by utilizing your own domain name with FeedPress, providing the ultimate in flexibility over the structure of your feed as well as complete ownership of your intellectual property.

With our new API method, you can register your hostname and path, which previously you could only do via the web app. Adding one hostname and path for an RSS feed isn’t a big deal, but if you need to add a lot in bulk, our API makes it very convenient and efficient. We’ve already had customers utilize this functionality when creating 50+ RSS feeds in one fell swoop via their Content Management System.

Our API documentation with full details are available for free. In order to utilize the API, you must have a FeedPress account.

Here’s an overview of the things you can do with the API

GET /login.json

Redirects the user to the FeedPress authentication page. See Authentication for more details.

GET /logout.json

Deletes the authenticated user’s token.

GET /account.json

Retrieves various informations about the authenticated user.

POST /feeds/create.json

Creates a new feed for the authenticated user.

POST /feeds/update.json

Updates a new feed for the authenticated user according to the submitted parameters.

GET /feeds/subscribers.json

Retrieves subscribers statistics for the last 30 days about a specific feed.

GET /feeds/readers.json

Retrieves the last readers statistics about a specific feed.

GET /feeds/ping.json

Tells FeedPress to refresh the specified feed.

GET /feeds/hit.json

Tells FeedPress to record a “virtual” hit for the specified feed.

GET /feeds/tracking/items.json

Returns the tracked items for the specified feed.

GET /feeds/tracking/url.json

Returns the FeedPress tracking URL for the specified feed and original URL.

GET /feeds/newsletter/subscribers.json

Retrieves the subscribers list for the feed’s newsletter.

GET /feeds/newsletter/check.json

Check the status of a particular email in your feed’s newsletter.

POST /feeds/newsletter/add.json

Adds an email address to the feed’s newsletter.

POST /feeds/hosting/upload.json

NEW: Uploads an audio file to your podcast hosting storage.

POST /feeds/hosting/delete.json

NEW: Deletes an audio file in your podcast hosting storage.

POST /hostnames/record.json

NEW (July 2018): Create a record for a specified hostname.


We would love to hear from you if you have build an app using the FeedPress API. Get in touch and let us know what creative ways you’ve used it in your projects and how it’s improved your workflow.

The FeedPress API is now closer to parity with the web app. Some of the most requested features you’ve asked of us have been added, such as podcast hosting media and Custom Hostname management.
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